[request-tracker-maintainers] Re: request-tracker3.4 open bugs

Niko Tyni ntyni at iki.fi
Tue Sep 5 07:47:13 UTC 2006

On Mon, Sep 04, 2006 at 03:14:11PM +0200, Toni Mueller wrote:
> Could we possibly have a chat on the issues to find out faster which of
> them will be fixed, and which won't (I didn't look at the BTS yet)?

Here are some notes. Most of them should be sent to the BTS, of course,
once I get around to it.

#275396: Action "Notify Requestors and Ccs" only notifying Requestors
 unreproducible? I think I tested this at one point

#308675: request-tracker3.4: uses forever to start up with worker mpm
 sarge only? should be checked

#308309: request-tracker3.4: [sarge] Wrong Content-Transfer-Encoding in mails
#309766: request-tracker3.4: Bad header 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' causes some MUA to not display messages correctly
 sarge only

#310615: request-tracker3.4: query builder page hits 100% cpu
#310467: request-tracker3.4: can't log in - script error
#310619: request-tracker3.4: migration from 3.0.12-7 to 3.4 doesn't work
 Merged; user error?

#316792: request-tracker3.4: rt3 and rt3.4 dependencies broken
 Should probably be closed

#323402: request-tracker3.4: Oracle doesn't like NLS_LANG/NLS_NCHAR settings
 fair request, settings still present in 3.4.5 and 3.6.1
 should be fixed upstream

#275394: Status field not honoured when replying to ticket.
 fixed since? Works for me

#293202: request-tracker3.2: Display problems with non-englisch languages due to Unicode Characters
 probably fixed

#302802: request-tracker3.4: install insists on removing request-tracker3.2
 request-tracker3.2 is gone, not valid anymore

#304452: request-tracker3.4: fails with nonstandard @LexiconLanguages
 I looked into this at one point and filed #372124 against
 liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl.  With that fixed, the only problem
 was that Czech was always included in the language list. I sent a bugreport
 about this upstream; will fill in the details in #304452 at some point
 as well.

#306561: request-tracker3.2: exim 4.50-6 has pipe_transport unset in system_aliases router
 Documented since,  I think.

#307633: request-tracker3.4: RT_SiteConfig.pm installs with incorrect permissions
 This is by design, but could/should be done better with eg. debconf.

#309842: request-tracker3.4: bad dependencies - insists on installing apache 1.x.x packages
 my head hurts

#315962: Timestamps in RT logs do not take timezone or daylight savings into account
 upstream wontfix, I think.

#326958: request-tracker3.4: no connection to syslog available at /opt/machine/perl/lib/site_perl/5.8.2/Log/Dispatch/Syslog.pm line 77
 unreproducible/should be closed?

#333403: sender field is invalid
 should be looked at

#342535: request-tracker3.4: Request Tracker 3.4 creates empty Messages when tmpfs is full

#346433: Files missing from /etc/request-tracker3.4
 user error? Should drop.{Informix,Oracle} and constraints.mysql be installed?

#347823: Slow Queries from Users Table
 can't reproduce; Jesse says fixed in 3.4.5. Check with submitter after
 3.4.5 is uploaded?

#309271: request-tracker3.4: rmtree call in webmux.pl outputs nuisance warning/error
#310465: No root path(s) specified at /usr/share/request-tracker3.4/libexec/webmux.pl line 112
 sarge only

#316192: request-tracker3.4: automate db user creation for postgres
 valid request, I guess

#336581: request-tracker3.4: rt-crontool manpage contains non working example

#342732: request-tracker3.4: the recommends are out-of-date
 fixed in 3.4.5-1

#276522: request-tracker3.2: rt-setup-database should notice when not run as root
 connected with #307633
 just add a better error message?

#327064: request-tracker3.4: HOWTO apache2 fastcgi
 never tried fastcgi yet

#355025: request-tracker3.4: New upstream release (3.4.5) available
 fixed in 3.4.5-1


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