[Pkg-roundcube-maintainers] Bug#568537: roundcube: claims "incorrect email address"

Vincent Bernat bernat at debian.org
Fri Feb 5 16:58:23 UTC 2010

reassign 568537 bugs.debian.org
merge 568360 568537

OoO Lors de la soirée naissante du vendredi 05 février 2010, vers 17:34,
Andrew Schulman <andrex at alumni.utexas.net> disait :

> In     roundcube,     I'm      trying     to     send     email     to
> 559289-subyes-b71554e7823d610a0f1dc6a75dfe06b5-82b59f8c89e879a5d01195cd3d66bc1e at bugs.debian.org
> (in order to subscribe to a Debian bug report).  When I try, roundcube
> won't send the mail and gives me an error message that says:

> Incorrect                        email                        address:
> 559289-subyes-b71554e7823d610a0f1dc6a75dfe06b5-82b59f8c89e879a5d01195cd3d66bc1e at bugs.debian.org


This  bugs has already  been reported  in #568360.  It appears  that the
local part of an email address must not be longer than 64 characters.
BOFH excuse #397:
T-1's congested due to porn traffic to the news server.
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