[DRE-maint] Introducing myself to the team

Paul van Tilburg paulvt at debian.org
Tue Apr 15 14:02:17 UTC 2008

Hello Roberto!

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 09:47:24AM -0400, Roberto C. Sánchez wrote:
> For my work I have a need to maintain some Ruby modules.  I have filed
> some ITPs [0], [1], [2], [3], a few of months ago.  

Great!  Always wanted to have not-Rails specific libs to be split
off the rails package. :)

> I have made a request to join the group's Alioth
> project so that I can have svn commit access (my Alioth user ID is
> roberto).

I see that you're request has been approved already. Good!
Welcome to our team.

> As time goes on (and I learn more about Ruby, as I am currently just
> starting with Ruby), I hope to contribute even more to the group's
> activities.

Quite a few members are dormant at the moment, which is no problem
specifcally, but a lot of work needs to be done.  So, any help
is appreciated.

Kind regards,

PhD Student @ Eindhoven                     | email: paulvt at debian.org
University of Technology, The Netherlands   | JID: paul at luon.net
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