[DRE-maint] RFS sinatra_0.9.3-1

Ryan Niebur ryanryan52 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 7 09:32:15 UTC 2009


Michael, once this is uploaded can you please add ticgitweb to the
ticgit package?

On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 11:09:42AM +0200, Laurent Vallar wrote:
> Hello,
> Sinatra is now injected into the packages-wip part of the repository.
> Could anyone review it and enventualy sponsor it ?

I can't help with sponsoring as IANADD, but...I took a quick look at
the packaging.

First, I've fixed the watch file so I could test the package. The
previous one just didn't work.

During build I get this message:
dh_rdoc -plibsinatra-ruby-doc
You need the 'dot' program to produce diagrams.
(see http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/)

perhaps a build dependency on graphviz is needed?

you also have these lintian messages.
to get these results I ran lintian from sid like this: lintian --color=always -i -IE --pedantic "$@"

I: sinatra source: duplicate-short-description libsinatra-ruby1.8 libsinatra-ruby libsinatra-ruby-doc
I: sinatra source: build-depends-without-arch-dep libsetup-ruby1.8
I: libsinatra-ruby1.8: copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright
W: libsinatra-ruby1.8: wrong-section-according-to-package-name libsinatra-ruby1.8 => ruby
I: libsinatra-ruby: copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright
W: libsinatra-ruby: wrong-section-according-to-package-name libsinatra-ruby => ruby
I: libsinatra-ruby-doc: copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright

The duplicate-short-description is easily fixable, by adding "(Ruby
1.8 package)" or "(documentation)" etc to the end of the short

build-depends-without-arch-dep can be ignored.

copyright-with-old-dh-make-debian-copyright is easy to fix, see the
entended output.

and then wrong-section-according-to-package-name just needs to be
fixed by changing the secton in debian/control.

Thanks for working on this!


Ryan Niebur
ryanryan52 at gmail.com
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