[DRE-maint] Bug#586520: redmine crashes after upgrade to 0.9.4-3

Jérémy Lal jerry at edagames.com
Sun Jun 20 11:41:21 UTC 2010

On 20/06/2010 11:53, Radosław Antoniuk wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 20, 2010 at 11:50 AM, Jérémy Lal <jerry at edagames.com> wrote:
>> On 20/06/2010 11:32, warden wrote:
>>> Package: redmine
>>> Version: 0.9.4-3
>>> Severity: important
>>> Redmine doesn't work in Debian after upgrade to 0.9.4-3.
>>> Error message:
>>> no such file to load -- action_controller
>>> Used with Ruby EE:
>>> /opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7/bin# ./gem list
>> Redmine is supposed to use rails 2.3.5 from debian,
>> not from a manual installation.
>> However, patches are welcome.
> It worked until this upgrade. Redmine is supposed to work with Rails,
> not with rails from Debian.
?!? Debian packages are supposed to work with debian packages...
If the debian redmine package does not fit your needs, then manually
install redmine from original tarball.
Gems are an alternate packaging system, so if you use them, it's best to
use them for the whole ruby stack.

However i think there might be a way to fix this.
Providing some help, instead of complains, would be nice.
The error message "no such file to load -- action_controller" shows
that redmine does not find rails where it's supposed to be :

Redmine < 0.9.4-3 depended on rails 2.2.3, and the 0.9.4-3 version depends on rails 2.3.5.
The main difference (for your problem, i think) is that the
links, which were installed by rails-app-debianize, are now all replaced by
ln -s /usr/share/rails-ruby1.8 vendor/rails

So you should give a try by restoring those links in /usr/share/redmine/vendor/,
pointing them to your custom rails installation.
If that works for you, provide some feedback and the precise links you added,
and i'll add some documentation for the next release.

> It applies to all software in Debian, so if you force it work with
> Debian specific paths, then make appropriate variables in
> /etc/redmine/* .
> Please revert the changes that are causing the crash.
> It is up to the server admin to decide which version (EE or standard)
> he wants to use.
> Thanks.

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