[DRE-maint] Bug#586520: redmine crashes after upgrade to 0.9.4-3

Radosław Antoniuk radek.antoniuk at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 12:33:09 UTC 2010

>> It worked until this upgrade. Redmine is supposed to work with Rails,
>> not with rails from Debian.
> ?!? Debian packages are supposed to work with debian packages...
> If the debian redmine package does not fit your needs, then manually
> install redmine from original tarball.
> Gems are an alternate packaging system, so if you use them, it's best to
> use them for the whole ruby stack.

You have to install gems manually if you are using separate
installation of rubyEE.
Going further, rubyEE is currently not debianized.
But indeed, you are right, since it is not debianized, I cannot
complain that it is not working.
Anyway, please mention such things like "removal of dependency
libraries" next time in the changelog :)

> So you should give a try by restoring those links in /usr/share/redmine/vendor/,
> pointing them to your custom rails installation.
> If that works for you, provide some feedback and the precise links you added,
> and i'll add some documentation for the next release.

Sure, thanks.  I will investigate that and post the results here.

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