[DRE-maint] Bug#672251: haml-elisp: fails to upgrade from squeeze

Gaston Ramos ramos.gaston at gmail.com
Mon May 21 17:10:04 UTC 2012

El Mon, 21 de May de 2012, a las 03:04:19PM +0200, Andreas Beckmann dijo:
> Source: haml-elisp
> Followup-For: Bug #672251
> Hi,
> found another occurrence during the test of the sass-elisp
> package in sid. That should be easier to reproduce.

Thanks for report the bug, I reproduced it ok, in fact it
is fixed on haml-elisp (1:3.0.15-4) and I fixed on sass-elisp too
changing the dependency for haml-elisp (1:3.0.15-4), I'll
be uploading the new version of sass-elisp soon.

"Computer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more
than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter."

(Eric Raymond)

Gastón Ramos
GNU/Linux Counter user #450312

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