[Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#387076: Bug is still there

Martin Hans martin.hans at targit.de
Thu Apr 26 06:13:01 UTC 2007


today I tested 3.0.24-6 and the bug is still there.
The machine is now a fully up-to-date and configured etch machine.

The test constellation:

A fresh booted Windows 2000 with all Microsoft Updates.
After startup I connect to some shares on the samba server,
which require an user and password (TargitShare & ProjectShare), but have 
no "valid users" restriction. These shares work without any problem.
Afterwards I try to connect to a "valid users" share with the same user 
ans password without success (OfficeShare) - the password dialog of windows
just reappears.

If I use samba 3.0.22-1 everything works fine with excatly the same 
configuration and test procedure (tested today, too).

The "valid users" are NIS users on the samba server
NIS works: 

> id martinh
> uid=507(martinh) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),110(gleitung),105(cvs)

The configuration (dropped some shares):

        workgroup = xxx
        server string        = xxx
        netbios name         = xxx
        wins support         = yes
        dns proxy            = no
        interfaces           = eth0
        bind interfaces only = true
        hosts allow          = 192.168.6. 192.168.2. 127.
        log file             = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        log level            = 3 passdb:5 auth:10 winbind:2
        max log size         = 5000

        local master         = yes
        os level             = 100
        domain master        = yes
        domain logons        = no
        preferred master     = yes

        security             = user
        map to guest         = Never
        guest ok             = false
        invalid users        = root
        passdb backend       = smbpasswd
        unix password sync   = no

        load printers        = yes
        printing             = cups
        printcap name        = cups

        socket options       = TCP_NODELAY

        browseable           = true
        encrypt passwords = false

        unix charset         = ISO8859-1
        display charset      = ISO8859-1

        comment             = xxx1
        path                = /TargitShare
        browseable          = yes
        writeable           = true
        printable           = false
        create mask         = 0666
        directory mask      = 0777
        guest ok            = false

        comment             = xxx2
        path                = /ProjectShare
        browseable          = yes
        writeable           = true
        printable           = false
        create mask         = 0666
        directory mask      = 0777
        guest ok            = false

        comment            = xxx3
        path               = /OfficeShare
        guest ok           = false
        valid users        = dirk, peter, ruediger, christa, martinh
        admin users        =
        force group        = gleitung
        writeable          = true
        printable          = false
        create mask        = 0760
        force create mode  = 0760
        directory mask     = 0770
        browseable         = false

If I can provide anything, i. e. a log with special log setup,
please tell me!

Best Regards

Martin Hans
Martin Hans                                             targit GmbH                                                    

E-Mail: martin.hans at targit.de                     Ridlerstraße 31 b
Tel:    +49 89 517 397 30                           D-80339 München
Fax:    +49 89 517 397 77                      http://www.targit.de

Geschäftsführer: Dirk Höpner, Peter Buchka, Rüdiger Borsutzki
HRB: München 121 545, UStId: DE195857643

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