[Pkg-samba-maint] Bug#519829: Further information on mount.cifs error

Michael Howe michael.howe at worc.ox.ac.uk
Fri Mar 20 12:22:53 UTC 2009


I'm also experiencing this - at least, I believe it's the same error, as
the symptoms are exactly the same (if not, apologies for the noise).

I've managed to reproduce this with a new server and client:
- Server runs etch, samba 3.0.24-6etch10.
- Clients run lenny, samba 2:3.2.5-4.

Attached is the smb config from the server.
Also attached is a gzipped log that results from setting 'debuglevel =
5' and then running, on the client:
m at C ~/mnt % smbmount // tmp6
m at C ~/mnt % kwrite tmp6/foo
# foo already exists, I added some text, then hit Save.
m at C ~/mnt % smbumount tmp6

kwrite fails to write to the file, with the "No such file or directory"
error reported by Benoit.

(foo is an empty file that had previously been created with 'touch foo'
on the client; I did test that the permissions on the share are correct)

When mounted, 'mount' reports:
// on /home/michael/mnt/tmp6 type cifs

On etch clients, there seems to be no problem with writing to files
using kwrite - I've tried with both smbmount (which mounts -t smbfs, it
seems) and mount.cifs.

I now have some test systems, so I'm happy to do any further testing you
can suggest.



Michael Howe                | Mal: Never goes smooth.  How come it
Systems Administrator       |      never goes smooth?
Worcester College, Oxford
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