[Pkg-samba-maint] [Git][samba-team/samba][master] Move README.source to Markdown

Mathieu Parent gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Mar 15 10:38:03 UTC 2018

Mathieu Parent pushed to branch master at Debian Samba Team / samba

576ba075 by Mathieu Parent at 2018-03-15T11:37:47+01:00
Move README.source to Markdown

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- debian/README.source → debian/README.source.md


debian/README.source → debian/README.source.md
--- a/debian/README.source
+++ b/debian/README.source.md
@@ -1,92 +1,96 @@
 The packaging is kept in https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba.
-The version in unstable is on the 'master' branch, with the corresponding
-upstream version in the 'upstream_4.8' branch (with pristine-tar information
-in the pristine-tar branch).
+The version in unstable is on the `master` branch, with the corresponding
+upstream version in the `upstream_4.8` branch (with `pristine-tar` information
+in the `pristine-tar` branch).
-It should be possible to build the package by just running 'git-buildpackage'.
+It should be possible to build the package by just running `gbp buildpackage`.
-# The first time:
-sudo apt install git-buildpackage pristine-tar cowbuilder
-DIST=sid ARCH=amd64 git-pbuilder create
-git clone https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba.git
-cd samba
-git checkout pristine-tar
-git checkout upstream_4.8
+The first time:
+    sudo apt install git-buildpackage pristine-tar cowbuilder
+    DIST=sid ARCH=amd64 git-pbuilder create
+    git clone https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba.git
+    cd samba
+    git checkout pristine-tar
+    git checkout upstream_4.8
-# Each time:
-cd samba
-git checkout master
-gbp pull
-gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-dist=sid --git-arch=amd64
+Each time:
+    cd samba
+    git checkout master
+    gbp pull
+    gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-dist=sid --git-arch=amd64
 Merging minor upstream releases
 Importing a new upstream version can be done like this:
-# set target version
-major_version="$(echo $upstream_version | sed 's/.[[:digit:]]\+$//')"
-# go to git repo
-cd $GIT_DIR
-# Import upstream
-git remote add upstream https://git.samba.org/samba.git
-git fetch upstream
-# ensure required branches exists
-git checkout "upstream_${major_version}"
-git checkout pristine-tar
-# go to the Debian branch
-git checkout master
-# sync all required branches
-gbp pull
-# Import latest version
-gbp import-orig --uscan \
-  -u "${upstream_version}+dfsg" \
-  --upstream-vcs-tag "samba-${upstream_version}" \
-  --merge-mode merge
-# all done :)
+    # set target version
+    upstream_version=4.8.0
+    major_version="$(echo $upstream_version | sed 's/.[^.]\+$//')"
+    # go to git repo
+    cd $GIT_DIR
+    # Import upstream
+    git remote add upstream https://git.samba.org/samba.git
+    git fetch upstream
+    # ensure required branches exists
+    git checkout "upstream_${major_version}"
+    git checkout pristine-tar
+    # go to the Debian branch
+    git checkout master
+    # sync all required branches
+    gbp pull
+    # Import latest version
+    gbp import-orig --uscan \
+      -u "${upstream_version}+dfsg" \
+      --upstream-vcs-tag "samba-${upstream_version}" \
+      --merge-mode merge
+    # all done :)
 Please note that there are some files that are not dfsg-free and they need to
-be filtered. The settings in the gpb.conf should take care of that.
+be filtered. The settings in the `gpb.conf` configuration file should take
+care of that.
 Merging major upstream releases
 With a new major version, more work is needed.
-After "gbp pull":
-# Edit gbp.conf upstream-branch
-editor debian/gbp.conf
-# Edit debian/watch major version
-editor debian/watch
-# Commit
-git commit -m"Update d/gbp.conf and d/watch for ${major_version}" debian/gbp.conf debian/watch
-# Create the new upstream branch
-git branch "upstream_${major_version}" samba-${upstream_version}
-# Import latest version
-gbp import-orig --uscan \
-  -u "${upstream_version}+dfsg" \
-  --upstream-vcs-tag "samba-${upstream_version}" \
-  --merge-mode=replace
+After `gbp pull`:
+    # Edit gbp.conf upstream-branch
+    editor debian/gbp.conf
+    # Edit debian/watch major version
+    editor debian/watch
+    # Commit
+    git commit -m"Update d/gbp.conf and d/watch for ${major_version}" debian/gbp.conf debian/watch
+    # Create the new upstream branch
+    git branch "upstream_${major_version}" samba-${upstream_version}
+    # Import latest version
+    gbp import-orig --uscan \
+      -u "${upstream_version}+dfsg" \
+      --upstream-vcs-tag "samba-${upstream_version}" \
+      --merge-mode=replace
 Then several steps are needed:
 - Apply all patches:
-git am $(cat debian/patches/series | sed s@^@debian/patches/@)
-# then update or drop patches as needed
+        git am $(cat debian/patches/series | sed s@^@debian/patches/@)
+        # then update or drop patches as needed
 - Bump talloc, tdb, tevent and ldb Build-Depends in debian/control, from lib/*/wscript
-grep ^VERSION lib/{talloc,tdb,tevent,ldb}/wscript
-editor debian/control
+        grep ^VERSION lib/{talloc,tdb,tevent,ldb}/wscript
+        editor debian/control
 - Check if other Build-Depends need to be bumped
-git diff origin/master.."samba-${upstream_version}" buildtools/wafsamba/samba_third_party.py
+        git diff origin/master.."samba-${upstream_version}" \
+        buildtools/wafsamba/samba_third_party.py

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba/commit/576ba0753f7606e110b2b11bf64d27f9e9d54bf8

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/samba-team/samba/commit/576ba0753f7606e110b2b11bf64d27f9e9d54bf8
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