[Pkg-scicomp-devel] joining debian-science and pkg-scicomp

Ondrej Certik ondrej at certik.cz
Tue Jul 8 14:17:29 UTC 2008


I joined the Debian Scientific Computation Team


about half a year ago, because I thought that is the scientific team in Debian.
Now I noticed there is also a Debian Science team:


What is the purpose of Debian Science -- isn't it better to join the two teams?

Here is a list of packages that we maintain in the Debian Scientific
Computation Team:


Some notable ones are: paraview, abinit, gmsh, suitesparse (e.g.
umfpack), superlu, netgen, libmesh, slepc, tetgen

Here is a list of packages maintained by the Debian Science:


is that it, or are there some more packages?

I am asking to find out where is the best place to maintain the
atlas3.8 packages. It seems to me the Debian Scientific Computation
Team is more suited for that, given
that it already maintains many similar packages.

Let me know what you think.


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