[Pkg-scicomp-devel] adopting atlas, lapack and blas

Ondrej Certik ondrej at certik.cz
Fri Jul 11 12:29:34 UTC 2008


I think I'll have time to at least manage the team around these
packages, i.e. have them in the Debian Scientific Computation Team
with the team as the maintainer and current
maintainer (Camm) as an uploader, and start slowly fixing the
packaging to have just one debian directory with debian/patches
containing clear patches with description what they do.

Here is the repo:


the package builds in pbuilder, so all is fine.

I'll see what is the best way to achieve the goal. One approach is to
generate quilt patches using the current packaging, but I fear it will
be easier to start from scratch, with the new upstream version. In
this case, I'll probably create a testing repo just for this and I'll
ask some DD to upload it to experimental, so that we can all try it
and improve it. And use the old repo to fix possible (RC) bugs with
the current packaging in unstable.

And I am sure people will join in. In the Debian Scientific
Computation Team we use svn, so let's just use svn. If the whole team
migrates to git, we'll migrate to git, otherwise not, so that all the
packages are at one place.

And I'll do the same with lapack and blas. I'll be out of town till
Sunday, but then I'll work on it.


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