[Pkg-scicomp-devel] need help for deconf and postinst scripts

trophime christophe.trophime at grenoble.cnrs.fr
Thu Apr 8 14:10:16 UTC 2010

I am trying to package an application that
contains some config files in /etc/...

I have a config file of the following form :

# Configuration file
# These values could be overridden by ~/.astkrc/config


# "Aster" platform
plate-forme : ?IFDEF?

# text editor (must accept '-display XXX' argument syntax)
editor : ?EDITOR?

# terminal for interactive calculation following output
#    @E will be remplaced by the commande line
#    @D will be remplaced by the DISPLAY variable value
terminal : ?TERMINAL?

# nodes of the cluster for interactive calculation or
# to call batch commands
noeud : ?NODE?


I would like to set ?IFDEF?, ?EDITOR?, ?TERMINAL?, ?NODE?
when installing the package.

What is the best way (the "proper" debian way) to do this? (Debconf? or
simply some "perl" scripts in postinst?)
Do you some examples or refences to help me out?

Thanks for your help

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