[Pkg-scicomp-devel] Debian Science Track at Debconf10 Update, Round-Table Agenda

francis southern francis.southern at gmail.com
Tue Jul 20 17:53:21 UTC 2010


Just out of interest, will any of this be available online, in the
form of videos, slides, transcripts, or anything else?
For those of us not fortunate enough to be at Debconf.


I'm not sure what the etiquette is for replying to a cross-posted
mail, but I guess if there is an answer to this question then you'll
all want to hear it...
Also, I'm sorry if there's a general answer to this that covers all of
the events at Debconf, but I couldn't find anything at

On 20 July 2010 12:22, Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Debconf10 will be at Columbia University, New York City from August 1st
> to 7th, 2010.  The Science Track[1] will be on the afternoon of Thursday,
> August 5th.  Registration[2] is free for everybody, so if you are
> interested in science in/on/with Debian, be sure to come around!
> == Schedule ==
> The current schedule is as follows (see [3]):
> 14:00 Overall presentation of the Debian Science by Sylvestre Ledru
> 15:00 Debian: The ultimate platform for neuroimaging research by Michael
>      Hanke and Yaroslav O. Halchenko
> 16:00 New developments in Science Packaging by several speakers
> 17:00 Debian Science Round Table moderated by Michael Banck
> In addition, there will be a BoF dedicated to mathematical software in
> Debian and run by David Bremner, currently scheduled in the morning
> session of the same day:
> 11:30 Mathematical Software in Debian BoF by David Bremner
> == New Developments in Science Packaging ==
> This session will include several 20 minute talks about current topics
> in science packaging. Currently scheduled topics are:
>  * MPI packaging
>  * Linear Algebra Libraries packaging
> Those will be presented by Sylvestre Ledru and Adam C. Powell, IV.  We
> are still looking for more speakers here, possible topics are:
>  * Supporting non-default compilers
>  * Citation/Reference infrastructure
> Is anybody working on this and would like to shorty present it?  Or
> maybe something else?  Please get in touch with me!
> == Debian Science Round Table ==
> Current participants are:
>  * Michael Banck (debichem)
>  * David Bremner (mathematics)
>  * Michael Hanke or Yaroslav Halchenko (neuro-debian)
>  * Sylvestre Ledru (debian-science/pkg-scicomp)
>  * Adam C. Powell, IV (debian-science/pkg-scicomp)
> Participation by the general audience is highly encouraged, of course.
> We should think about an agenda for the round-table, my first draft is
>  * refocus tasks (some are quite big right now)
>  * merge on packaging best-practises (dh7, quilt, etc.)
>  * non-free vs. free-for-acedemic-use with respect to tasks etc.
>  * supporting non-free compilers (like Intel icc/ifc)
> Depending on what other agenda items people propose I am happy to drop
> some or all of the above for more important matters, please speak up!
> See you at Debconf,
> Michael
> PS: If I missed an important science-related Debian mailing-list, please
> forward this mail and let me know.
> --
> [1] http://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf10/TrackScience
> [2] http://debconf10.debconf.org/register.xhtml
> [3] https://penta.debconf.org/penta/schedule/dc10/day/2010-08-05.en.html
> --
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-science-request at lists.debian.org
> with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmaster at lists.debian.org
> Archive: http://lists.debian.org/20100720172247.GB5671@nighthawk.chemicalconnection.dyndns.org

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