Any idea about sdl 1.3/2.0 ?

Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo manuel.montezelo at
Mon Feb 20 19:15:40 UTC 2012


2012/2/16 shirish शिरीष <shirishag75 at>:
> Hi all,
> Does anybody have any idea about SDL 1.3/2.0 ? I do see a package in
> experimental . Also
> see a snapshot of upstream work at
> , just wanna know what are
> the plans for it. As far as I know they plan to release the fine
> release around the same time (or just a bit later) around the same
> time Debian is gonna go into Freeze status. Any ideas around this
> would be helpful.
> And yes, I do know it would mean migration of lot of games who are
> using libsdl 1.2 would have to move to libsdl2.0 IF libsdl2.0 is gonna
> be the constant (maybe possible over a year). Anyways, please point to
> any relevant discussion (if any happened) in the recent past, just
> mildly curious.

I didn't look much, but I didn't even read about any date when they
plan to release it -- where did you see that?

They have been developing both branches for years, but the development
of both was mostly stopped.  Only recently they started to push
bugfixes and new releases to 1.2, switched the license and so on; and
are starting to move things in the 2.0 area again.

Anyway, maybe we can include it in stable, but I suspect that no games
are going to be ported if they do not work with the new library


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