[Pkg-sssd-devel] Bug#1041438: gdm3 dep8 failure & reenabling files provider

Sergio Durigan Junior sergiodj at debian.org
Tue Jul 18 21:28:38 BST 2023

Source: sssd
Version: 2.9.1-1
Severity: important
Forwarded: https://github.com/SSSD/sssd/issues/6838


The dep8 tests for gdm3 are currently failing with sssd 2.9.1-1 on
Debian and Ubuntu:


The reason is because the sssd.conf crafted by the test doesn't
explicitly define a "domain" section, but relies on setting
"enable_files_domain = True", which in turn sets "id_provider = files".
sssd 2.9.0 has deprecated this option, which now should be explicitly
enabled during build time using "--with-files-provider":


Given that "files domain" has been disabled because of
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=888207, I'd like to
know if using "--with-files-provider" would be acceptable to fix this

According to upstream:


in order to support and test "smart card auth of local users", then we
need to use such build time option, at least until the next upstream
release comes out (which should support such scenario via "id_provider =


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