Bug#350133: please include svn2cl in subversion-tools

Peter Samuelson peter at p12n.org
Fri Jan 27 19:07:52 UTC 2006

merge 324511 350133

[Arthur de Jong]
> I would like to make svn2cl available in Debian. I'm a DD so I can
> package it (and someone else also did an ITP [2]) but I wonder,
> because it's such a small package, if it could be made part of the
> subversion-tools package.

Yes, it probably should go in subversion-tools.  I don't think the
extra dependency on xsltproc is a problem - and if it's only one script
among many, it might end up as a Recommends anyway.

I've been pondering what to do with subversion-tools.  It's got almost
nothing in it currently, and I think we ought to ship it with a lot of
what upstream ships in 'contrib' - with a fat note describing how these
are 'contrib' and not really supported, meaning their UIs and even
their existence can change without notice.  One problem is different
implementations of the same tool - svnmerge.py and svnmerge.sh, for
example - they can't both be /usr/bin/svnmerge - so it will take some
research to determine just what should go in subversion-tools.

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