Bug#373387: python transition

Peter Samuelson peter at p12n.org
Wed Jun 14 22:00:53 UTC 2006

unblock 373387 by 373628

(This block was a false positive.  While we use cdbs a little, we don't
actually use it for anything python-related.)

First, it's not clear to me what advantages anyone would get from
"fixing" the subversion packaging to comply with current python policy.
I do not see what is broken about our current package.  It doesn't
hard-code python 2.3 anywhere, so it's binNMUable.  (Well, other than
the "Provides: python2.3-subversion", which can probably go away now.
It's left over from renaming the package from that.)

It's even less clear what point there is in supporting multiple
simultaneous python versions, except to avoid the need for a binNMU
once every 3 years.  python-subversion has very few users.  Building
the module code twice, and making the package hard to backport to
stable, is enough of a pain to make it reasonable to ask what benefit
these users will get in return.
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