Bug#618862: systemd: ignores keyscript in crypttab

Mikhail Morfikov mmorfikov at gmail.com
Thu Jan 15 01:45:07 GMT 2015

Source: systemd
Followup-For: Bug #618862

Is there a solution to this issue?

I'm currently using debian sid + sysvinit because I can't switch to systemd.

This is my setup:

root:~# lsblk -f
NAME                     FSTYPE      LABEL   UUID
├─sda1                   ntfs        windows 36442BAC442B6E35
├─sda2                   ext4        boot    4c67dff5-3d8e-4b3f-
9cf1-49b88d5f67a9   /boot
├─sda3                   crypto_LUKS         9e03ae84-2f10-4f88-bf1c-
│ └─debian_laptop        LVM2_member         1f7G9n-hwJ4-hD20-N9GP-3l77
│   ├─debian_laptop-root ext4        root    dfdc8fb7-d9d4-4cd4-869c-
0f1910a3a17e   /
│   ├─debian_laptop-home ext4        home
27632431-fa15-49ba-8354-9c193e321aa6   /home
│   ├─debian_laptop-tmp  ext4        tmp     be5e9b14-4f41-462a-
│   └─debian_laptop-swap swap                c4f58930-bfda-4f4e-
├─sda5                   crypto_LUKS         d314ed20-ffaf-
│ └─grafi                ext4        grafi
990d110a-1310-4ab2-8a03-c952a408be11   /media/Grafi
└─sda6                   crypto_LUKS         f3c10054-0583-4e10-937b-
  └─kabi                 ext4        kabi    b47e6dcd-924e-40fa-
a8b1-7593419f86d7   /media/Kabi

As you can see I have encrypted LVM, which works just fine. I have also two
encrypted volumes, and here's the problem. Take a look at /etc/crypttab
and /etc/fstab files:

root:~# egrep -v "^#" /etc/crypttab
debian_laptop   UUID=9e03ae84-2f10-4f88-bf1c-d7507ad30f78       none    luks
kabi            UUID=f3c10054-0583-4e10-937b-dcdc9a05a25c       debian_laptop
grafi           UUID=d314ed20-ffaf-4a18-98a7-91538e79d981       debian_laptop

root:~# egrep -v "^#" /etc/fstab

UUID=dfdc8fb7-d9d4-4cd4-869c-0f1910a3a17e       /
ext4    defaults,errors=remount-ro,commit=10    0 1
UUID=4c67dff5-3d8e-4b3f-9cf1-49b88d5f67a9       /boot                   ext4
defaults,errors=remount-ro,commit=10    0 2
UUID=27632431-fa15-49ba-8354-9c193e321aa6       /home                   ext4
defaults,errors=remount-ro,commit=10    0 2
UUID=990d110a-1310-4ab2-8a03-c952a408be11       /media/Grafi    ext4
defaults,nofail,errors=remount-ro,commit=10     0 2
UUID=b47e6dcd-924e-40fa-a8b1-7593419f86d7       /media/Kabi             ext4
defaults,errors=remount-ro,commit=10    0 2
UUID=c4f58930-bfda-4f4e-bad0-2be8d1b5bc9e       swap                    swap
defaults,pri=10         0 0

tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults,noatime,nosuid,noexec,nodev,mode=1777,size=512M 0 0

Both of the encrypted volumes use decrypt_derived script. I don't want to open
of them at boot time, that's why I used also the noauto option.

This setup works, but only with sysvinit. I've been using it for several
years and I've never had a problem with it.
So how can I fix this in order to switch to systemd?

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