Fwd: need sponsor for systemd-cron

Martin Pitt mpitt at debian.org
Tue May 26 08:05:15 BST 2015

Hello Alexandre,

Alexandre Detiste [2015-04-28 12:41 +0200]:
> I need a sponsor to upload an update of this package.

Sorry for the late answer!

Some things spotted in my review, please fix them:

 * "Your Name <you at debian.org>" in debian/changelog

 * Michael Stapelberg stopped systemd (and related) maintenance, but
   did you talk to Shawn Ladden? As this is not marked as an NMU: Do
   you intend to take over maintenance? If so, please talk to Shawn
   for ack'ing, and add yourself to Uploaders:. If not, please mark
   this as an NMU in the changelog and use a corresponding version

 * adjust X-Python-Version: in debian/control for Python 3.

Please let me know once this is fixed in git, and I'll upload (without
such enormous response delay)


Martin Pitt                        | http://www.piware.de
Ubuntu Developer (www.ubuntu.com)  | Debian Developer  (www.debian.org)

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