Bug#801737: dpkg: The problem spreads

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL jpmengual at hypra.fr
Tue Oct 20 20:31:50 BST 2015

Hi, Thanks for suggestion. Here it freezes to "Preparing unpacking". 
What file should I change with set x to know more about what happens?


Le 20/10/2015 21:00, Guillem Jover a écrit :
> Control: reassign -1 systemd
> Control: retitle -1 systemd: On upgrade several pacakges get stuck when interacting with systemd
> Hi!
> Leaving some context here, the rest is in the bug log.
> On Mon, 2015-10-19 at 20:44:20 +0200, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
>> Le 19/10/2015 14:58, Guillem Jover a écrit :
>>> On Mon, 2015-10-19 at 06:35:49 +0200, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
>>>> Package: dpkg
>>>> Version: 1.18.3
>>>> Followup-For: Bug #801737
>>>> The problem now happens with many packages. Thus dpkg freezes while setting:
>>>> udev
>>>> systemd-sysv
>>>> modemmanager
>>>> virtualbox-dkms
>>>> I cannot manipulate (neither remove, nor reinstall, nor configure) pcscd,
>>>> libgempc430.
>>>> So there's a really big problem. Unable to track it with -D. Eow could I get
>>>> more info? How can I clean my deps tree?
>>> This to me does not seem to be a problem in dpkg itself, but something
>>> very wrong on the system. From your ps output it seems the installation
>>> is stuck in the configure script, which would seem to point to something
>>> else.
>>> Could edit for example /var/lib/dpkg/info/udev.postinst, and add a
>>> «set -x» at the beginning, just after the shebang. Then try running
>>> «dpkg --configure udev»?
>>> It might be useful to see also where it is stuck in, you can check all
>>> childs of the configure script with something like «pstree -p» for
>>> example, or with «pgrep -P <PPID>», with PPID being the pid of the
>>> configure script.
>>> Optionally you could attach to the process that seems to be stuck with
>>> «strace -p PID», so see what's happening.
>> Thanks for your answer. The results of these tests are here:
>> http://sprunge.us/cCRi
>> I preferred testing with modemmanager, as udev created a lot of weird
>> processes. If I understand all what I read, the problem would be with
>> systemd, etc. Should I reassign there? Indeed, virtualbox, udev,
>> modemmanager, could have problems related to systemd handling of services.
> Doing so now.
>> Thanks for your help. After it I'll try to reinstall pcscd as dpkg says "so
>> irrelevant status, you should reinstall before removing", but I'm unable to
>> reinstall it as apt-get tries to configure udev.
> You could try perhaps doing: «apt-get download pcscd» and then
> «dpkg -i pcscd_*.deb», but maybe that's not enough.
> Thanks,
> Guillem

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL

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