Bug#810748: systemd does not mount /usr in initramfs, breaking split /usr

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Feb 2 21:27:34 GMT 2016

Hi Nis

On Tue, 19 Jan 2016 22:52:57 +0100 Nis Martensen <nis.martensen at web.de>
> Control: found -1 228-4
> Attached a version of the patch that should work for testing/unstable.
> Again intended as a replacement for the existing patch.

I've looked a bit closer at your patch, and it looks fine.
Not generating the systemd-fsck@ instance when the flag file exists,
looks like a proper solution to this issue.

I gave the patch a quick test and it seems to work with both dracut and
initramfs-tools. There are still some (new) issues with a separate /usr
[1], but that happens with both initramfs-tools and dracut.

So I think the patch can go in as is.

Regarding the flag files dracut generates for non-systemd mode:
Could you please file a bug report so it uses
/run/initramfs/fsck-root for /
/run/initramfs/fsck-usr for /usr

I expect most users will use the systemd-enabled dracut initramfs, but
it still seems worthwile fixing that.


[1] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=808151
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