Bug#854648: systemd-sysv: Immediate shutdown can happen despite future time argument if unable to talk to shutdownd

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Tue Feb 14 18:19:01 GMT 2017

Hi Will

Am 09.02.2017 um 00:09 schrieb Will Aoki:
> After upgrading a system from wheezy to jessie, I attempted to schedule a
> reboot at 8:27 AM by executing '/sbin/shutdown -r 08:27 completing upgrade'.
> It produced this (partial) error, which did not stay on the screen long enough
> to copy:
>    Failed to talk to shutdownd, proceeding with immediate shutdown:
> and rebooted immediately.
> Rebooting immediately when the user has specified a time in the future is
> unexpected and undocumented behavior.

This is a change of behaviour and we try as much as possible to avoid
that downstream. As such, this should be discussed and implemented
upstream. It would therefor be great if you can file this issue at


> I have not tested this patch, but the gist of the fix is:

Upstream usually considers only bug reports which apply to the two
newest upstream releases. Shutdownd was dropped in favour of logind. The
logic itself seems to be the same though even with logind.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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