Bug#799549: systemd: Provide system-log-daemon

Marc Lehmann schmorp at schmorp.de
Mon Jul 24 15:04:45 BST 2017

Please consider reclassifying this as an actual bug rather than just as
a wishlist item.

As it is currently in stretch, installing e.g. "inetutils-inetd" breaks
systemd logging for the session, and creates a conflict at boot between
systemd-journald-dev-log.socket/systemd-journal and inetutils-syslogd.

This is certainly unexpected behaviour, as inetutils-inetd has a dependency
on either inetd-syslog or systemd-log-daemon, neither of which need to be
installed (as in my case). And the only easy way around for me was to
disable and stop inetutils-syslogd manually, a package I do not even want

One could argue that this is a bug in all packages that depend on
system-log-daemon, as they essentially break unrelated packages (all
packages relying on systemd journaling to work, or rather, on /dev/log
belonging to systemd), but of course the underlying issue is that systemd
uses and provides /dev/log without providing systemd-log-daemon, so there
is no good way to express this dependency.

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      ---==---(_)__  __ ____  __      Marc Lehmann
      --==---/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ /      schmorp at schmorp.de
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