Bug#923773: logind sessions are ended immediately after login

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Sun Apr 14 12:33:43 BST 2019

Control: tags -1 moreinfo unreproducible

Doesn't look like libpam-systemd is properly installed
> dbus-update-activation-environment: systemd --user not found, ignoring --systemd argument

> cinnamon-session[23689]: WARNING: t+0,00945s: Could not get session id for session. Check that logind is properly installed and pam_systemd is getting used at login.

> pn  logind | consolekit                    <none>

What's the output of
reportbug --template systemd
reportbug --template libpam-systemd

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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