Bug#999695: systemd: emergency/rescue targets fail to stop journald

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Mon Nov 15 15:10:10 GMT 2021

Am 15.11.21 um 03:44 schrieb westlake:
> Upon booting up with "systemd.unit=emergency.target" to the kernel 
> bootline, there are no systemd-journald services running.

I'd say this is expected, as sockets.target is not started. See below

> However if the user boots normally into multi-user or graphical targets, 
> and types "systemctl isolate emergency" or "systemctl emergency", debian 
> does not stop systemd-journald services.

I think, what you see is that systemd-journald.service *is* actually 
stopped when you run `systemctl emergency`.
But systemd-journald.service is socket activated.
So there might be a race condition or a problem with the corresponding 
systemd-journald sockets:

$ systemctl show -P TriggeredBy systemd-journald.service
systemd-journald-audit.socket systemd-journald-dev-log.socket 

Could you check the following:
- When you enter the emergency shell, check the journal if 
systemd-journald.service has been stopped (and started again)
- If any of the above sockets are active?

In any case, this doesn't appear to be a Debian specific issue, so I 
would kindly ask you to file this upstream at

https://github.com/systemd/systemd and report back with the issue number.


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