[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#331397: initscripts: mountall.sh should skip procfs

Petter Reinholdtsen pere at hungry.com
Mon Oct 3 10:05:26 UTC 2005

[Adrian Bridgett]
> mountall.sh doesn't skip mounting /proc (which is done earlier by
> mountvirtfs (and udev too if it needs to)).

I suspect this happen because /proc isn't listed in /etc/fstab at that
point, and the reason is that mountvirtfs mounts /proc/ before /etc/
is writable.

> This causes the mount command to fail and this gets flagged as a
> failure in bright red colours (hence why it was noticed :-))

I'm pleased to learn that the status reporting already is working to
help us detect problems.

> Adding "noproc" to the list of filesystems fixed the problem.

That is not really an option, as mountvirtfs only mount /proc, not
other proc mount points.  (consider chroots with need their own proc

Not sure how to properly solve this.

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