[Pkg-sysvinit-devel] Bug#506481: initscripts: Fix to allow falsified cpu information in /proc/cpuinfo

Petter Reinholdtsen petter.reinholdtsen at usit.uio.no
Sat Jun 27 18:51:30 UTC 2009

severity 506481 wishlist

[Mark Hobley]
> This fix allows falsified cpu information in /proc/cpuinfo, by
> creating an override file /etc/cpuinfo:

First of all, I would expect you could do the same by adding a bind
mount line in /etc/fstab.  Does it work?  If it does, I believe it
would be the best way to implement this feature - assuming that very
few find it useful.

Second, I am unable to understand why this feature would be useful.
Can you explain more?

Last, given that it is useful, why should this feature be included in
the normal init.d scripts, and not in some special package only
installed in the rare case where it is useful?  I have never had the
need to replace /proc/cpuinfo myself, and suspect most users never saw
the need either.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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