[subversion-commit] SVN tetex-base commit + diffs: r1453 - tetex-base/trunk/debian

Frank Küster frank at costa.debian.org
Thu Jun 22 17:32:49 UTC 2006

Author: frank
Date: 2006-06-22 17:32:47 +0000 (Thu, 22 Jun 2006)
New Revision: 1453

- now the output is even nicer, and string lengths can be easily configured

- added some types of files

Modified: tetex-base/trunk/debian/searchbase35
--- tetex-base/trunk/debian/searchbase35	2006-06-22 17:27:42 UTC (rev 1452)
+++ tetex-base/trunk/debian/searchbase35	2006-06-22 17:32:47 UTC (rev 1453)
@@ -14,31 +14,71 @@
 my $ly1min_archive = "/home/frank/area/ly1-min.zip";
 my $outfile_base = "psnfss";
+my @fontlist = 
+  ("avantgar", "bookman", "charter", "courier", "helvetic", "ncntrsbk",
+   "palatino", "symbol", "times", "zapfchan", "zapfding");
 # my @fontlist = 
-#   ("avantgar", "bookman", "charter", "courier", "helvetic", "ncntrsbk",
-#    "palatino", "symbol", "times", "zapfchan", "zapfding");
-my @fontlist = 
-  ("zapfding");
+#   ("zapfding");
 my %psnfssRequired = (
   Title => "%% Required PSNFSS fonts",
   Pattern => "urw/base35|lw35nfs|freenfss|charter/bch",
   Filename =>"psnfss-required.txt",
   ListName => "required",
+  Lengths => "15,40,15,30",
   Comment => 
 "% These files are required for psnfss
 % according to its file 00readme.txt"
+    );
+# obsolete stuff
+my %URWdirectaccess = (
+  Title => "%% files to directly access URW fonts",
+  Pattern => "tex/latex/.*\.fd|urw35vf|config\.u|u..\.map",
+  Filename =>"psnfss-urwdirect.txt",
+  ListName => "URWdirect",
+  Lengths => "15,14,40,30",
+  Comment => 
+"% These files can be used to directly access the URW fonts in
+% LaTeX.  This should not be done if the same fonts are also
+% used as a replacement for the base 35 fonts.
+% Ralf suspects that they once could be found in
+% CTAN/fonts/psfonts/urw/."
-# string lengths
-my %Length;
-$Length{BaseFile} = 15;
-$Length{FileWithPath} = 40;
-$Length{Zipfile} = 15;
-$Length{License} = 30;
+# external stuff
+my %PCLnfss = (
+  Title => "%% Font metrics for PCL printer fonts",
+  Pattern => "pclnfss",
+  Filename =>"psnfss-pclnfss.txt",
+  ListName => "pclnfss",
+  Lengths => "15,40,1,30",
+  Comment => 
+"% These files can be used to create PCL printer files
+% and are only useful if one has a PCL printer and a 
+% corresponding screen viewer.
+% They should be merged with other pclnfss files on CTAN into a 
+% pclnfss.tpm and included in collection-fontsextra."
-my @categories = (\%psnfssRequired);
+my %NoCategory = (
+  Title => "%% Files with no category",
+  Pattern => "",
+  Filename =>"psnfss-nocategory.txt",
+  ListName => "nocategory",
+  Lengths => "15,40,1,30",
+  Comment => 
+"% These files have not yet been classified"
+    );
+my $noCTAN = "no hit on CTAN";
+my @categories = (\%psnfssRequired, \%URWdirectaccess, \%PCLnfss);
 my $tpmDir = "texmf-dist/tpm/";
 my $CTANmirror = "ftp://cam.ctan.org/tex-archive/";
@@ -108,6 +148,7 @@
 my %AllFilesList; # a hash containing references to the lists, by font
 my %SortedFilesList; # a hash containing references to files sorted by origin (and font)
 my %RestFileList; # by font
+my $format =  "%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\n";
 # functions
 sub getLicensePerArchive {
@@ -141,14 +182,7 @@
       my $zipfile = basename($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
       my $license;
       $license = getLicensePerArchive($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
-      my $format =  "%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\n";
-      $ReturnLine = sprintf 
-	  $format, 
-	  $Length{BaseFile}, $basename, 
-	  $Length{FileWithPath}, $hit, 
-	  $Length{Zipfile}, $zipfile, 
-	  $Length{License}, $license 
-	  ;
+      $ReturnLine = $basename ."@". $hit ."@". $zipfile ."@". $license;
@@ -164,14 +198,7 @@
       my $zipfile = basename($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
       my $license;
       $license = getLicensePerArchive($CTANarchive{$archive}{zipfile});
-      my $format =  "%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\n";
-      $ReturnLine = sprintf
-	  $format, 
-	  $Length{BaseFile}, $basename, 
-	  $Length{FileWithPath}, $hit, 
-	  $Length{Zipfile}, " ", 
-	  $Length{License}, $license 
-	  ;
+      $ReturnLine = $basename ."@". $hit ."@". $zipfile ."@". $license ;
@@ -204,14 +231,7 @@
     if ($CTANbyname{$basefile}) { 
       my $license;
       $license = getLicenseFromList($CTANbyname{$basefile});
-      my $format =  "%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\t%-*s\n";
-      $locline = sprintf
-	  $format,
-	  $Length{BaseFile}, $basefile, 
-	  $Length{FileWithPath}, $CTANbyname{$basefile}, 
-	  $Length{Zipfile}, " ", 
-	  $Length{License}, $license 
-	  ; 
+      $locline = $basefile ."@". $CTANbyname{$basefile} ."@". " " ."@". "license: unknown";
       last FINDLOC
     # now look in some other archives
@@ -219,55 +239,82 @@
       $locline = $loc;
       last FINDLOC
+    # still no hit
+    $locline = $basefile ."@". $noCTAN ."@". $file ."@". "license: unknown";
     # prepend the filename
     $locline = $locline ? $locline
 	: $basefile . "\t\t unknown\t license: unknown\n" ;
+    # some standard replacements to make lines shorter
+    $locline =~ s at macros/latex/contrib/@m/l/c/@;
+    $locline =~ s at texmf-dist/@@;
     push @{$AllFilesList{$font}}, $locline;
   } # end foreach (@Files)
 sub SortFileLists {
   my $font = $_[0];
-  @{$RestFileList{$font}} = @{$AllFilesList{$font}};
+  @{$SortedFilesList{${NoCategory}{ListName}}{$font}} = @{$AllFilesList{$font}};
   foreach my $category (@categories) {
     # push each matching line onto the category's list
-    foreach (@{$RestFileList{$font}}) {
+    foreach (@{$SortedFilesList{${NoCategory}{ListName}}{$font}}) {
       push @{$SortedFilesList{${$category}{ListName}}{$font}},$_ if ( m(${$category}{Pattern}) );
     # now note which lines are in both lists
     my %HowOftenHash = ();
-    foreach my $line ( @{$RestFileList{$font}}, @{$SortedFilesList{${$category}{ListName}}{$font}} ) { 
+    foreach my $line ( @{$SortedFilesList{${NoCategory}{ListName}}{$font}}, @{$SortedFilesList{${$category}{ListName}}{$font}} ) { 
-    # empty RestFileList and fill it again with the lines that have count 1
-    @{$RestFileList{$font}} = ();
+    # empty the nocategory list and fill it again with the lines that have count 1
+    @{$SortedFilesList{${NoCategory}{ListName}}{$font}} = ();
     foreach my $line ( keys %HowOftenHash ) {
-      push @{$RestFileList{$font}}, $line unless ( $HowOftenHash{$line} > 1 );
+      push @{$SortedFilesList{${NoCategory}{ListName}}{$font}}, $line unless ( $HowOftenHash{$line} > 1 );
+sub CreateOutList { 
+  my ($category, $font) = @_;
+  my $filenumber = 0;
+  foreach (@{$SortedFilesList{${$category}{ListName}}{$font}}) {
+    my @wordlist = split /@/;
+    my @LengthsList = split (m/,/, ${$category}{Lengths});
+    my @sprintflist;
+    my $NumElement = 0;
+    foreach my $element (@wordlist) {
+      push @sprintflist, $LengthsList[$NumElement], $element;
+      $NumElement++;
+    }
+    $_ = sprintf $format, @sprintflist;
+  };
 # main sorting loop
 foreach my $font (@fontlist) {
   CreateAllFilesList ($font);
   # now sort files...
-  SortFileLists($font);
+ SortFileLists($font);
 # main output loop
-foreach my $category ( @categories ) {
+foreach my $category ( @categories, \%NoCategory ) {
   open (OUTLIST,'>', ${$category}{Filename} ) or die "Cannot open ${$category}{Filename}";
   print OUTLIST "\n\n" . ${$category}{Title} . "\n";
   print OUTLIST "\n" . ${$category}{Comment} . "\n";
   foreach my $font ( @fontlist) {
+    next unless (@{$SortedFilesList{${$category}{ListName}}{$font}});
     print OUTLIST "\n% files from $font:\n";
+    CreateOutList ( $category, $font);
     print OUTLIST @{$SortedFilesList{${$category}{ListName}}{$font}};
   close OUTLIST;

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