[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#562026: kdm cannot open ConsoleKit session on first login attempt

ili111 ili111 at free.fr
Sat Jan 2 18:38:02 UTC 2010

A temporay fix waiting for the final one,(which wil be on debian 
repository) would be to edit the /etc/init.d/kdm script and modify the 
following lines:

case "$1" in
       [ "$HEED_DEFAULT_DISPLAY_MANAGER" = "true" ] &&
       [ "$(cat $DEFAULT_DISPLAY_MANAGER_FILE)" != "$DAEMON" ]; then
      echo "Not starting K Display Manager (kdm); it is not the default 
display manager."
      echo -n "Starting K Display Manager: kdm"
      # added by user
      if [ "$(ps -e|grep /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon)" = "" ];then
      echo "."
      #enf of modification
      start-stop-daemon --start --quiet $SSD_ARGS -- $ARG || echo -n " 
already running"
      echo "."

the missing daemon is started by the kdm script if it's missing

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