[Pkg-utopia-maintainers] Bug#743138: Bug#743138: [Needs upstream 0.9.10 release] Please only enable ifupdown plugin when ifupdown installed

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Mon Mar 31 14:36:47 UTC 2014

Hi Josh,

Am 30.03.2014 23:00, schrieb Josh Triplett:
> NetworkManager 0.9.10 upstream will add support for a .d configuration
> directory, and syntax to incrementally enable plugins
> (plugins+=pluginname).  This would allow a package like ifupdown to ship
> a configuration file enabling and configuring the ifupdown plugin, which
> could then otherwise remain disabled.

This is certainly an interesting idea, but there a few issues:
a/ the ifupdown plugin not only parses /etc/network/interface but e.g.
also provides the hostname information stored in /etc/hostname, which we
want even if ifupdown is not installed.
b/ what happens if you install ifupdown *after* network-manager?

Given that, I rather think if people want to disable the ifupdown
plugin, they should do that manually via
/etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf, where they can also specify the

So I'm inclined to tag the bug as wontfix.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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