/var/lib/video/epg.data (/var/cache/vdr)

Tobias Grimm pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Wed, 27 Oct 2004 02:06:37 +0200

Thomas Schmidt wrote:

>Yes, this sounds good - i did not know of this commandline-option yet.
Ok. Done :)

>Btw: /var/cache/vdr was chosen to be the place for the generated
>commands.conf and reccmds.conf-files, but you removed the links in
>debian/vdr.links recently, is there a specific reason for this?
Ah yes... you're right. The reason I did this was, that 
commands-loader.sh wrote the files directly
to /var/lib/vdr. But it's probably better to change the 
commands-loader.sh and keep the links.

BTW: I've visited TomG yesterday on my way back home, and we talked 
about the directory
structure and some peoples complains about the massive use of links, 
what may make backing
up all relevant files more difficult. We came up with a simple rule of 

Backing up /etc/vdr and /var/lib/vdr WITHOUT following any symlinks 
should backup all files necessary for restoring the vdr configuration, 
but nothing more. (/etc/default/vdr and /etc/init.d/vdr should be backed up
too of course.)

I never thought about this in this way before, but it makes sense. And 
it's exactly, how it works at the moment.


PS: I just saw, that TomG re-added the newline-echo in plugin-loader.sh.
I never thought about this, when I took over your changes to ctvdr, but
why have you removed the echo in the first place?