
Marcus Klein pkg-vdr-dvb-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org
Tue, 8 Feb 2005 21:29:12 +0100

Zitat von Tobias Grimm <tobias.grimm@e-tobi.net>:

> I couldn't find a package yet, that uses debian-sys-maint for creating a
> database. But I don't think, that this would be a good idea. The server
> might be on a completely different system where no debian-sys-maint
> exists (e.g. Suse). It's better to ask for a database admin and
> password. (mantis does it this way)

I can't find a package, too. So keep asking for database admin.

Is it possible to start XXV with nice level 19? And also mplayer that scans the
recordings. Every 5 minutes the live tv picture stops for a moment due to
mplayer scanning the recordings.

I added "-N 19" to start-stop-daemon in /etc/init.d/xxv.
