vdr-addon-vdrconvert: package built-in vdrsync 1.2 extracts unusable ac-3 stream

Tobias Grimm tobias.grimm at e-tobi.net
Sun May 21 19:44:57 UTC 2006

thomas schorpp wrote:

>sorry, no:
>deb   http://e-tobi.net/vdrdevel-experimental  sarge  base backports addons vdr-mult$
>#deb  http://e-tobi.net/vdrdevel-experimental  sarge  base backports addons vdr-stan$
>deb   http://e-tobi.net/vdr-testing            sarge  base backports addons vdr-mult$
>#deb  http://e-tobi.net/vdr-testing            sarge  base backports addons vdr-stan$
>deb   ftp://ftp.heise.de/pub/ct/projekte/vdr/sarge/testing/binary  base/
>tom1:~# dpkg -l vdrsync*
>| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
>|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
>||/ Name            Version         Description
>ii  vdrsync Perl Script for processing VDR recordings

Exactly - that's version "0.1.3PRE1-050322". To be consinstent with the
debian versioning, the package has version

There is no newer vdrsync out there - at least not that I'm aware of. If
there is, please tell me where.

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