[linux-dvb] bug in szap-utility

Marcel Siegert mws at linuxtv.org
Tue Mar 6 18:55:51 CET 2007

On Tuesday 06 March 2007, Uwe Bugla wrote:
> Hi folks,
> as part of the Debain package dvb-utils 1.1.1-2 the szap utility has the following bug:
> 1. The start transponder file of Eutelsat Hotbird13.0E contains a "H" as description of the polarization.
> 2. Unfortunately this "H" is being interpreted as "V".
> 3. So if you try to produce a transponder list with the start transponder you are trapped as nothing works!
> To see the error yourself, try the following example in the console:
> szap -r -a0 -c trapz.txt -n1
> where trapz.txt looks like this:
> Hotbird-13.0E:12539:H:1:27500::::
> In the console you will see the right frequency and the right symbol rate.
> But the polarization will be printed out as "V" (vertical) instead of "H" (horizontal).
> In other words: The bug is: szap cannot set equal the letter "h" with the letter "H"
> Regards
> Uwe
> P. S.: I solved the problem by a TCL-TK workaround, but it rather should be solved in the sourcecode,
> shouldn't it? So can someone reading this please fix that bug in the source code?


could you please try if a 

--- a/util/szap/szap.c  Fri Feb 02 02:16:24 2007 +0100
+++ b/util/szap/szap.c  Tue Mar 06 18:53:39 2007 +0100
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ again:
         if (!(field = strsep(&tmp, ":")))
            goto syntax_err;

-        pol = (field[0] == 'h' ? 0 : 1);
+        pol = (tolower(field[0]) == 'h' ? 0 : 1);

         if (!(field = strsep(&tmp, ":")))
            goto syntax_err;

would fix that problem?
if reported fine, i'll commit that.


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