<div style="border: solid 1px #cccccc; width:448px; background-color:white; margin:10px 0px;";><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="448"><tr><td class=tablot background="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/pim/gr/gr_announce_1.gif" valign=center height=57><big style="padding:10px;">I have a new email address!</big></td></tr></table><div style="padding:10px;">You can now email me at: <b>transpayment_centre_london44@yahoo.co.uk</b><br><br><span style="color:green;">YOUR PAYMENT FROM LONDON<br><br><br>For The Kind Attention Of : Friend,<br><br><br>This is to notify you about the statue of your fund right now in our desk.<br><br><br>After due vetting and evaluation of your contract file which The<br><br>Ministry Of Finance Of Federal Republic of Nigeria Forwarded and<br><br>contracted us to see to your immediate payment. <br><br><br> From our findings you have been going through hard ways <br><br>by paying alot of charges to see to release of your fund which has <br><br>been delayed.<br><br><br>Stop further communication with any corrospondence from <br><br>Nigeria.<br><br><br>You have not to pay any charges to recieve your contract fund <br><br>anymoreas you have meet up with the whole requirements , your <br><br>representatives in Nigeria will tell you to still go ahead with them but <br><br>on your own risk.<br><br><br>The only thing required from you is to obtain Non-Resident <br><br>Clearance Form/Reciept which we are not asking you to pay the fee to <br><br>us here in United Kingdom as the Government of Nigeria have paid us <br><br>for handling/processing of your payment with other contractors.<br><br><br>We will help you to see that you obatin the form so that our sister<br><br>company TRANSINTERNATIONAL BANK PLC LONDON will effect <br><br>immediate payment of your contract sum.<br><br><br>Will you follow up our directives your fund will reflect in your<br><br>account with five working days from the day you obtain this form.<br><br><br>Do not go through anybody again but through this Group if <br><br>you really want your fund.<br><br><br>Direct all message to our alternative email address:<br><br>transpayment_centreld@mail.md<br><br><br>Congratulation in advance.<br><br>Regards,<br><br><br>Dr.Sunny Duncan<br><br> </span><br><br>- <span style="color:green;">REV DR SUNNY DUNCAN</span></div></div>