Bug#368457: vim-common: muttrc.vim highlighting needs update

Preben 'Peppe' Guldberg peppe at wielders.org
Mon May 22 21:14:48 UTC 2006

Justin Pryzby wrote:
> Package: vim-common
> Version: 1:7.0-017+3
> Severity: wishlist
> Mutt-Version: 1.5.11+cvs20060403-1

> Some muttrc commands aren't recognized by vim;

I am not sure where they come from. Does debian apply extra patches? Or
are they in the CVS tree, but not the 1.5.11 tarball?

> for f in `man muttrc |sed -nre 's/^ {7}([a-z0-9_]+)$/\1/p'`; do grep "$f" /usr/share/vim/vim70/syntax/muttrc.vim >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo $f; done;

> Reformatting muttrc(5), please wait...
> assumed_charset
> file_charset
> imap_cachedir
> imap_idle
> maildir_mtime
> pgp_mime_signature_filename
> pgp_mime_signature_description
> strict_mime
> xterm_icon
> xterm_set_titles
> xterm_title

I cannot find any of these in the mutt-1.5.11 sources. As such I would
be inclined not to include them until they are in a (development)
release of mutt.

FWIW, Kyle took over official maintenance of murrc.vim, so it is his say
if these options should be included or not.

se nocp cpo=BceFsx!$ hid bs=2 ls=2 hls ic " P. Guldberg /bin/vi at wielders.org
se scs ai isf-== fdo-=block cino=t0,:0 hi=100 ru so=4 noea lz|if has('unix')
se sh=/bin/sh|en|syn on|filetype plugin indent on|ono S V/\n^-- $\\|\%$/<CR>
cno <C-A> <C-B>|au FileType vim,mail se sw=4 sts=4 et|let&tw=72+6*(&ft=~'v')

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