[Pkg-virtualbox-devel] Squeeze vs. Linux 2.6.38 + Virtualbox

intrigeri intrigeri at boum.org
Fri May 27 15:38:05 UTC 2011


Michael Meskes wrote (27 May 2011 11:56:48 GMT) :
> On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 11:01:25PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
>> Is there, by chance, something a non-DD can do to help this happening,
>> aside of backporting it myself using dch + pbuilder and reporting it's
>> trivial?

> Yes, prepare everything, preferably in our git with a new branch and
> so on, so that we only have to build and upload.

As far as I know, I don't have write access to
pkg-virtualbox/virtualbox-ose.git so I'm attaching a Git bundle
created from refs debian/4.0.4-dfsg-2..squeeze-backports.

Summary of the changes:

  181de00 Adapt gbp configuration for Squeeze backports branch.
  4e8d9b3 Update changelog for 4.0.4-dfsg-2~bpo60+1

Yes, it was trivial indeed... unless I missed something.

Builds cleanly using gbp + cowdancer. Basic usage (i.e. booting a
Tails 0.7.1 ISO) works for me on a Debian Squeeze box with sid's
2.6.39 kernel.

Note that I could not guess who will debsign and upload the backport
so I've left my own name in debian/changelog. You will obviously have
to change that.

  intrigeri <intrigeri at boum.org>
  | GnuPG key @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/intrigeri.asc
  | OTR fingerprint @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/otr.asc
  | So what?

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Name: virtualbox-ose_4.0.4-dfsg-2~bpo60+1.bundle
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Desc: debian/4.0.4-dfsg-2..squeeze-backports
URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-virtualbox-devel/attachments/20110527/3444879f/attachment.obj>

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