open bugs

Kilian Krause
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 12:12:41 +0100

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Hi Mark,

well, the libpri Changelog read for 1.0.6->1.0.7 "No Changes". Thus I
had spared us the extra overhead of having another added delay for the
Sarge transition. Yet as you think it's needed to have it only for the
new number's sake, then i guess we'll survive another 2 days delay for
this new upload. *g*

For the other 2 bugs i tend to agree with Jose to wait first for e-d-s
to complete its transition into sarge (only m68k missing) and then pump
in new ones. (even though neither chan-capi nor zaptel do affect
openh323 in the first place, from what i had seen).

The zaptel fix however should be accompanied with a module-assistant
cleanup (or a fixed make-kpkg rules) to make the package really, really
worth using without further hacking and without forcing overwrites.

Best regards,

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