Maintaining debian/changelogs with mutiple maintainers under

Mark Purcell msp at
Thu Sep 22 18:27:45 UTC 2005


Just wanted to ping you over change logs.

I noticed you wanted to Preseve the ' -- Debian KDE Extras Team 
<pkg-kde-extras at ..' line! Also sorry about the 0beta stuff, don't know what I 
was thinking :-(

In my other team we leave the changelog entry to the last person who made the 
changes (Means you don't have to build with the -k).

I don't know if you are using the updated debchange(1), but that now has 
multi-maintainer support as of debscripts >2.9.  This also sort of relies on 
the last person entry being the change log entry:
  * debchange: support generating multi-developer changelogs, currently only
    supporting the format used in this changelog entry. If multiple developers
    are detected it will automatically add [ Full Name ] lines to disambiguate
    who did what.

I find this very helpful, also with the recent addition of debcommit(1) to 
devscripts.  I would be interested in hearing how others are using svn/ 
devscripts as I find I can work fairly well by the following:

cd package/trunk
edit files under debian/xxx
dch 'I changed this' --closes xxxxx	;Fixed a bug
svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot --svn-ignore --svn-lintian --svn-move
    ; check everything works
debi ; if works ok then commmit

edit more files under debian/xxx
dch 'I changed something else' --closes xxxxx	;Fixed another bug
svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot --svn-ignore --svn-lintian; check everything works

svn-buildpackage --svn-export ; want to do some heavy duty work
cd ../build-area/package-version/
optional dpatch-edit-patch new-patch ; if you are using dpatch
patch < ~/patch.diff
debuild 	; make sure everything is fine
cd ../../trunk/
cp ../build-area/package-version/debian/patches/patch.diff debian/patches/
svn add debian/patches/patch.diff
dch 'Encorporated patch' --closes xxxx ; 
svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot --svn-ignore --svn-lintian; check everything works

; lets make a release
dch -r 
svn-buildpackage -rfakeroot --svn-lintian --svn-move; check everything works
Passphrase: sign packages
debrelease	; upload to
svn-buildpackage --svn-only-tag
debcommit ; NOT Yet Released


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