[Voip-select] A question of distros for delivery of prepacked solutions

David Sugar dyfet at gnutelephony.org
Tue Jan 3 02:13:05 UTC 2006

This may well be true with bayonne "1" (1.2), but most recent work has
been focused on bayonne 2.  The reason this was never a large concern
with bayonne 1 is that all stable releases primarily focused on computer
telephony cards, and many of the ones it supported had never had drivers
ported outside of i386 architectures anyway.  So it was relativily
useless to run on other architectures in the first place.

Bayonne 2, on the other hand, principly focuses on SIP (and H.323), as
well as newer computer telephony cards (like sangoma).  It also has been
successfully tested on non-i386 architectures already (principly ppc). 
Bayonne 2 "1.0.x" (1.0.5 currently) is generally considered a "stable"
release tree for Bayonne2.  Bayonne2 depends on libeXosip2 and GNU
libosip2, as well as openh323, GNU Common C++, GNU ccRTP, GNU ccScript3,
and GNU ccAudio2.  We now have new production sites using Bayonne2, and
some existing ones are migrating this year.

Kilian Krause wrote:

>Hi David,
>>Perhaps very late this year I plan to deliver some complete prepacked 
>>solutions, and I am curious what kinds of solutions and which distro 
>>people would suggest to see such solutions delivered under.  I 
>>particularly like the idea of supporting a instant "voice application 
>>service provider out of a box" type solution with a future BayonneXML 
>>server bundled with ser (or maybe partysip), as well as very specific 
>>service provider solutions built around a traditional Bayonne server and 
>>ser, or that uses Bayonne with traditional CTI hardware, or bundled with 
>>a preconfigured gnugk for H.323 deployments.  Another possibility is a 
>>complete bundled appserver/callserver/gateway telephone system.
>> From an organizational point of view, it would make sense to use Debian
>>(3.1) for these things and setup an appropriate Debian repository for
>>Bayonne and other components.  I prefer to setup and use Debian in part
>>because it has an intelligent deployment model, unlike the typical
>>multi-cd rpm distro.  However my own experience is far more complete
>>with packaging...
>sorry for not have answered to this before, but I just happened to come
>across this posting while looking up your email. The idea to ship
>bayonne with Debian is probably a very good idea which should be
>supported as good as can. However, with the latest stable release of
>Bayonne 1.2.15 we do encounter *a lot* of problems on archs !i386 at the
>moment. You can check
>http://buildd.debian.org/build.php?arch=&pkg=bayonne where all the
>buildlogs are archived. A brief insight has brought me to believe this
>is due to the integral overlapping of server daemon and server library
>code. Probably this needs to be cleaned up to comply with libtool in a
>sane way and build libs as library code (through libtool) and the server
>as application code like now. 
>Are you aware of any patches that do this cleanup already or is there a
>1.2.16 release in the pipeline which would address this?
>Thanks for your answer and happy new year!
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