building from pkg-voip+asterisk svn

Kilian Krause kk at
Fri Jan 6 13:50:30 UTC 2006

Hi Tzafrir,

>  perhaps you can create some hook in svn-buildpackage to first create
>  the .orig.tar.gz from SVN. It is yet exporting sources, as you don't
>  get ant error about .svn dirs from lintian.

yes, certainly something to ask the svn-buildpackage maintainer for.
maybe the external SVN can be made a config option that's merged to the
debian repository instead the other way 'round. That way the export
could also checkout the .orig.tar.gz properly first and then merge in
the debian dir.

>  BTW, quite interesting system.

Yep definitely. Please keep us posted on the outcome of the discussion
with svn-buildpackage maintainer. ;)

Best regards,
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