asterisk packages some fixes

Thiago Martins thiago at
Tue Jul 25 20:55:26 UTC 2006

Em Ter, 2006-07-25 às 02:57 -0400, Diego Iastrubni escreveu:
> Hi Thiago,
> What were the fixes on asterisk_fix? 
> (reminder to self, get an account on the server so i can upload stuff as 
> well...)
> On Monday 24 July 2006 11:09, Thiago Martins wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >  I have my account on, a gpg and dupload configured.
> >
> >  I made some fixes on asterisk package (1:1.2.10.dfsg-1.dapper.2078) and
> > in asterisk_fix.
> >
> >  Can I use dupload to send this changes!?
> >
> >  How I increase the release version 1.dapper.2078 before upload? To
> > 1.dapper.2079?!
> >
> > Att,
> > Thiago

In asterisk_fix I change:

* It is now on the package asterisk.
* "if [ -d "/var/lib/asterisk" ]; then; adduser --no-create-home...." to
avoid warnings.
* and TODO task it's done: "if asterisk is not running - start it,
otherwise reload."

In the asterisk package:
* asterisk_fix is on this package:
* asterisk.install with: "usr/share/asterisk/bin" and
* asterisk.postinst with: "if asterisk is not running - start it,
otherwise reload."
* Init.d script must manage /var/run/asterisk dir, not the package
itself, because of varrun solution on Ubuntu is very different. So, I
commented out "dh_installdirs var/run/asterisk" in the debian/rules.
* RUNASTERISK is now "yes" per default.

In the debian/rules:
* install asterisk_fix on the package asterisk.
* comment "dh_installdirs var/run/asterisk".

And other minor changes.

How can I increase the release version "1.dapper.2078" ? To ".2079"?


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