kiax 0.8.51 - please review & upload

Santiago Garcia Mantinan manty at
Sun Jun 25 11:28:18 UTC 2006


I'm back from the USA and I've been looking at our kiax echo cancellation
problem a bit..

> I'm not sure if our iaxclient 0.0+svn20060520 source package has the adequate 
> support for Echo Cancellation (as implemented by Tipic) in its 
> lib/libspeex/mdf.c or we are supposed to have that functionality from the 
> separate speex package itselt... ? Any explanations welcome ;-)

For what I see if we allow the user to set echo cancellation we get a
segfault, so... it is not that the filter is not working but that kiax
segfaults when using it.

The stuff that dials with the filters is mainly this at iaxwrapper.cpp:

  int flag = settings->getFilterFlag();
  debug( func+" filter flag=%d\n",flag);

I can read on my tests a filter flag of 15 prior to the segfault, now... I'd
like to know why it is segfaulting, I mean, I would expect it not to work
well, but not to segfault, I don't know why this happens, could this be that
kiax is only implemented to use the echo cancellation of it's modified
nonfree stuff?

Is anybody knowledgeable in iaxc able to give this a look so that we can at
least test how current iaxc echo filter is doing?

Any ideas?

Manty/BestiaTester ->

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