kiax in Debian (was Re: Problems rebuilding twinkle)

Santiago Garcia Mantinan manty at
Sun May 7 15:42:20 UTC 2006

> these out) in addition that we can live without lib/ anyway. I sent them a 
> patch (ca. November 05) against 0.8.4 to clean the iLBC stuff up. You can 
> have it at:
> svn co

It doesn't seem to be working right now:

svn co
svn: REPORT request failed on '/dev/!svn/vcc/default'
svn: REPORT of '/dev/!svn/vcc/default': 400 Bad Request

But I suppose your patch was more or less like mine (remove all ilbc stuff
and reposition the checkboxes), isn't it?

> which was not incorporated in 0.8.5 - reasons unknown for the time being.

Well, if my patches look ok then we can go with that and I can upload
tonight if nobody complains. ok?

> lib/portaudio/LICENSE.txt and 
> lib/portmixer/LICENSE.txt sound terribly non-free: 

:-) the removal saves us a lot of problems, but... we don't have portmixer
in Debian, so... wasn't it used at all in kiax? if it was used... what was
it used for that we'll be missing now?

> My impression is that linking against libgsm we already have in Debian should 
> be enough. I'm still not sure how to approach upstream that distributing 
> (possibly) modified non-free code with their lib/ is pretty dangerous 
> solution for them.

Well, upstream should be aware of the problems that all that nonfree stuff
has and should probably drop all that from the tarball and instead recommend
the version of those libs that is tested to work well with kiax with a link
to download them from upstream.

Manty/BestiaTester ->

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