Bug#433884: Should not depend on libopenH323, libpt, libSDL, libssl, libldap, ...

Mark Purcell msp at debian.org
Sat Jul 21 09:16:50 UTC 2007

On Fri, 20 Jul 2007, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Which brings me again to ask: should the main asterisk package depend on
> odbc, postgresql and such, or do we take some of those modules to
> subpackages as well?

The rational for splitting asteirsk-h323 was that the footprint for the 
openh323 depenency libs was very large and the savings justified splitting 
off another package.

The footprint for the dependency libs for odbs, postgresql and the like are a 
lot more reasonable.  But I would be willing to be convinced otherwise.

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