newer destar [was: Re: Bug#493484: Patch to remove the stop links from rc0 and rc6]

Cesare Tirabassi norsetto at
Sun Aug 3 19:28:44 UTC 2008

On Sunday 03 August 2008 10:14:45 Tzafrir Cohen wrote:

> I've test-instaleld destar on my system and it has failed to work.
> Simply because of #484360 ("destar: Fails to run with python2.5").
> gives an 401 request. I've asked on the IRC and
> on the destar lists a number of times if anybody actually maintains it.
> So the next question is: anybody actually uses it?

We have 3 crash reports in Ubuntu, so, at least some people attempt to use it.
In our popcon we have 365 installs and 77 votes.

The project is not completely dead upstream:

The software is indeed currently incompatible with python 2.5, so, at least 
the packaging would have to be corrected for that. We do still offer 
python2.4 in Ubuntu, including our LTS, but I have no idea if that will be in 
lenny, you certainly know.

Note that users seems to be patching our packages to have it working with 
python 2.4:

As you know something seems to be moving upstream re python2.5:

but on this I know as much as you do,

IMO, and from my limited Ubuntu perspective,  it seems sensible to correct the 
packaging so that this will work out-of-the-box for our users (with python 
2.4) and in parallel seek solutions to migrate it to python2.5.


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