Bug#433779: asterisk doesn't retry SIP registrations if DNS is not available

Sudhakara alva unitedcabletv at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 17:13:53 UTC 2010


On 6/1/10, Robert Edmonds <edmonds at debian.org> wrote:
> found 433779 asterisk/1:
> user initscripts-ng-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
> usertag 433779 + missing-dependency
> thanks
> hi,
> it appears that asterisk is incorrectly treating DNS resolution failure
> during SIP registration as a "404 not found" SIP response.
> when my system boots, asterisk is started after my recursive DNS server,
> and i see this in /var/log/asterisk/messages:
> [May 31 17:36:41] WARNING[1689] acl.c: Unable to lookup
> 'inbound23.vitelity.net'
> [May 31 17:36:41] WARNING[1689] acl.c: Unable to lookup
> 'outbound.vitelity.net'
> [May 31 17:36:41] WARNING[1704] acl.c: Unable to lookup
> 'inbound23.vitelity.net'
> [May 31 17:36:41] NOTICE[1704] chan_sip.c: Registration from
> '<sip:edmonds42 at inbound23.vitelity.net>' failed for '' - No
> matching peer found
> [May 31 17:36:41] WARNING[1704] chan_sip.c: Got 404 Not found on SIP
> register to service edmonds42 at inbound23.vitelity.net, giving up
> it seems to be impossible for asterisk to have received a "404 not
> found" response from the SIP peer if DNS is not available, and indeed i
> verified with a packet sniffer that no SIP packets were sent or
> received.
> it looks like there are two bugs here:
> 1) asterisk should treat DNS resolution failures as transient network
> failures, not SIP failures, and be subject to retrying the registration.
> asterisk made no attempt to retry the registration after the initial DNS
> failure.
> 2) /etc/init.d/asterisk contains the following LSB header:
>     # Provides:          asterisk
>     # Required-Start:    $remote_fs
>     # Required-Stop:     $remote_fs
>     # Should-Start:      dahdi mysql postgresql
>     # Should-Stop:       mysql postgresql
>     # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
>     # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
>     # Short-Description: Asterisk PBX
>     # Description:       Controls the Asterisk PBX
>     ### END INIT INFO
> if i'm not mistaken, on systems with parallel booting enabled this means
> it would be possible for asterisk to start before the network is up or
> name resolution is available.  i believe that $named and $network should
> be added to Should-Start.
> --
> Robert Edmonds
> edmonds at debian.org

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