Bugs 553399 and 512590...

Marco Gaiarin gaio at linux.it
Thu Feb 10 17:32:42 UTC 2011

Mandi! Simon Richter
  In chel di` si favelave...

> The real problem we face with the language packs is that the maintainer
> needs to understand the language so they can judge the quality of the
> translation and should ideally also use the package. Neither has been true
> for several of the language packs for quite some time.

...there's no other sources of italian voices, so there's no choice on
quality. ;)
[Indeed, italian voices are very good in quality]

> And since I don't want to shanghai someone into package maintenance, this
> is not a "if you want it to happen, go do it" kind of mail, rather a
> summary of the current status and what are the blockers. If you are
> interested, then let us know; if you know someone who is, please point them
> at this mail.

I've done:

1) old asterisk-prompt-it contains only GSM format, so i've downloaded
the file:
and unpacked:
 eraldo:/usr/src/asterisk-1.6# mkdir asterisk-prompt-it-gsm-1.4.15-mm20090405
 eraldo:/usr/src/asterisk-1.6# cd asterisk-prompt-it-gsm-1.4.15-mm20090405
 eraldo:/usr/src/asterisk-1.6/asterisk-prompt-it-gsm-1.4.15-mm20090405# tar xvvzf ../asterisk-core-sounds-it-gsm-1.4.15-mm20090405.tar.gz

2) copy debian/ folder from old package to the new one

3) alter debian/* files as my knowledge permit, Some note:
 + renamed package asterisk-prompt-it-gsm, used
   Provides/Conflicts/Replaces in control (see 5)
 + tried to fix bug 544281 in control
 + changed copyright (i've to translate in English?)
 + some documentation contain spaces, i've used '*.pdf' in docs...
 + changed README.Debian
 + remove all download code in rules
 + watch not touched, but have to be (i don't know how).

4) build with a simple:
	debian/rules binary

5) clearly with a minimal effort i can produce packages with other file
 formats (alaw, wav, sln16); i don't know if it is better to have 4
sources package or a single one with more compex debian rules.
With by knowledge i can easily build 4 source packages.
Or it is better to have a single binary package with all format within.

As i don't know how to make a source package, you can find my work on:


Next days i will build other format (at least alaw) and test the

Say me.

Marco ``Gaio'' Gaiarin	 | LUG Pordenone    (http://www.pordenone.linux.it)
P.zza S. Tommaso, 20	 | Lilliput BBS      (http://bbs.lilliput.linux.it)
Cimpello di Fiume Veneto | Azione Cattolica - Concordia-Pordenone
33080 Pordenone (Italia) |           (http://www.ac.concordia-pordenone.it)
Tel.   +39-0434-56-1305  | http://www.gaiarin.it/             gaio at linux.it

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