Bug#611628: iax2 trunked channels not being cleared correcttly

Denis Denisov d.l.denisov at gmail.com
Mon Jan 31 12:45:53 UTC 2011

Package: asterisk
Version: 1:

I found that my asterisk box stopped process calls from IAX trunk with the
following warning in /var/log/asterisk/messages:

[Jan 29 11:39:38] WARNING[3512] chan_iax2.c: No more space

The <iax2 show channels> command showed a huge number of active calls marked
as (None) in Channel raw.


pbx01*CLI> iax2 show channels
Channel               Peer             Username    ID (Lo/Rem)  Seq (Tx/Rx)
Lag      Jitter  JitBuf  Format
(None)                81.xxx.xxx.162   officecc    00012/00731  00004/00007
00000ms  -0001ms  0000ms  alaw


(None)                81.xxx.xxx.162   officecc    16374/03973  00009/00013
00000ms  -0001ms  0000ms  alaw
(None)                81.xxx.xxx.162   officecc    16375/11957  00021/00025
00040ms  -0001ms  0000ms  alaw

I restarted the asterisk box with the <restart now> from the CLI, so, the
calls began to flow, but the counter of the active calls from the <iax2 show
channels> command output grows constantly (as well as (None)-channel

I googled a bit and found the same problem (read comments there)
Hope it helps u in problem description and solving.

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